Price list and order form

Everything you need to know before ordering

tijdschriften magazines

Our offer in figures on 08/2023

Totaal: 650 magazines
Dutch: 290
French: 244
German: 31
English: 39
Newspapers: 71
49 titles of magazines
14 titles of newspapers
the gamma is constantly expanding


How our offer is put together.

You can choose from a selection of 650 magazines spread over four languages; Dutch, French, German and English. In addition, you will find a ‘Rare Journals’ section covering more specific topics. All journals are immediately available via download or via a USB key. The range is constantly being expanded; title by title.
The first expansion: magazine ‘Kwik’ with 46 items


How do you order?

Clicking on the name of the magazine will give you more information about the magazine; clicking on the price will take you to the order page for that magazine. With a smartphone, you only land on the order page; to get more info about the magazine, click on ‘magazines’ in the menu. Separate magazines and small global packages are sent digitally; Large global packages are delivered by post via the sending of a USB key, each time at no additional cost.

For an order of minimum 10 euro

For an order of minimum 20 euro

For an order of minimum 10 euro


For an order of minimum 20 euro




I order via ...

Global packages

vintage magazines

Global packages

I order via ...

Dutch-language magazines