Contact us
Please contact us if anything is unclear. We will answer you as soon as possible. If you have any criticism, positive or negative, you are welcome to voice it here.
Please also learn, at the bottom of this page, who we are and why this photo is used here.

Opening hours
Monday – Friday
09:00 – 16:00
Our address
Maalbeekstraat 26
1700 Dilbeek
Contact Info
+ 32 497 430 091
To contact us, please enter your details below and ask your question.
We will answer your mail within 24 hours on each working day
Why this photo?
Well, even though you are not usually served at petrol stations these days, this image is very familiar to everyone. But make no mistake, in the very near future this scene will ‘permanently’ disappear from the street scene and from your retina. Very much a good thing, and only a speck in the history of man. And yet … how important is it to you that your children’s children can ask ‘Mummy, what is that gentleman doing? How many things no longer ‘are’ but ‘were’ in the past, very ordinary and daily, and have disappeared into oblivion?
Who are we?
Call us nostalgics if you like; we are a group of people, each with a journalistic background, who are fascinated by the past and want to share this fascination with you. We do this through the social media of that time …, magazines.
Together, we own several thousand magazines, some of which are unique pieces with a certain historical value; others are more commonplace but whose content reads like a wonderful future novel.
These gems from the past are carefully digitised by us and offered to you via this website.
In this way, we contribute to the answer … “But sweetheart, that gentleman put petrol in the car, because in the old days cars didn’t run on electricity but on petrol!”